University of Tasmania

The notion of partnership characterises the way University of Tasmania operates. The Utas primary partnership is between staff and students who work together in the areas of core business for the University: achieving excellence in teaching and learning and research. UTas offers one of the widest range of courses in Australia yet is small enough to provide an environment where each student can enter into a partnership with staff to achieve their goals. The University has adopted a strategy of preserving and developing teaching and learning and research of national and international significance in areas that take advantage of the University’s location in the State of Tasmania.

Utas works with universities around the world to offer students an international experience as part of their study – UTas has exchange arrangements with over 60 countries throughout Europe, Asia and North America. Utas also works with researchers in many countries on issues that have international significance. A tiny sample of some of the work that UTas researchers and post-graduate students are involved in include global warming (with NASA), tourism in China, aquaculture in Vietnam, forestry in Indonesia, computing in Korea, cardio-vascular disease with the World Health Organisation and mineral resources projects in 17 countries.


The University of Tasmania has campuses within the three main regions of Tasmania – Hobart in the south, Launceston in the north and Burnie in the north-west – ensuring full representation throughout the state. Our campuses make the most of Tasmania’s geographical advantages including rivers, mountains and beaches and are close to business hubs and public facilities. In 2006 the University expanded, establishing two campuses in Sydney – Darlinghurst and Rozelle.


  • Faculty of Arts
  • Australian Maritime College
  • Tasmanian School of Business and Economics
  • Faculty of Education
  • Faculty of Health
  • Faculty of Law
  • Institute of Marine and Antarctic Studies
  • Menzies Institute for Medical Research
  • Faculty of Science, Engineering, & Technology


  • The 2015-2016 Times Higher Education (THE) world university rankings saw the University of Tasmania ranked amongst the top 300 universities in the world, climbing well over 100 positions.
  • Ranked 379th in the 2015-2016 QS World University Rankings.
  • Ranked 305th in the 2015-2016 ARWU World Rankings.


塔斯马尼亚大学的主校区位于澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚州的霍巴特市。学院建立于1890年,是一所综合性的公立大学,2009年成为澳大利亚五星级大学,是澳洲历史最悠久、最具国际声誉的四所大学之一。塔斯马尼亚大学是澳洲为国际学生提供奖学金最多的大学。目前在校生18,023人,来自世界各地的留学生2,013人,遍布各地的公园及奇特的自然风光,现代化的教学设备,合理的学费和生活费,高水准的教育和研究水平,为海外学生求学的最佳选择之一。塔斯马尼亚大学是澳大利亚成立的第4所大学,亦是英联邦大学协会的成员,学校的影响力由澳大利亚延伸至全世界,与欧洲、亚洲、北美洲四十多所学院合作。 塔斯马尼亚大学是英国高等教育增刊近年评选出的全球200强大学之一,是澳洲历史最悠久、最具国际声誉的大学之一,也是多年来澳洲高等教育委员会推荐的最有研究成就的澳前十所大学。学校的教学、研究和学生服务设施一流,连续获得学生服务国家奖和澳洲大学最高研究奖。2005年学校在澳大利亚权威大学评级刊物多项评比中被评为声誉度4星级大学, 学士和硕士毕业生就业情况均为最高级别5星级。






  • 人文学院
  • 商学院
  • 教育学院
  • 法学院
  • 健康科学学院
  • 科学工程技术学院
  • 澳大利亚海事学院



  • 2016USNEWS世界大学排名第366[3]
  • 在2016-2017泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名上名列全球第301-350段[4-5]
  • 在2015泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名上名列全球第250-300位
  • 在2015塔斯马尼亚大学学术排名上位列全球301名[6]



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