GDLN is helping to support an Executive Education Certificate as a new initiative. It is working with KDI School and Blended Learning International for this. The focus is Pandemic and Resilience Policy.
COVID-19 has been devastating for lives, economies, and societies around the globe. Countries everywhere are still grappling with the pandemic and its consequences. More broadly too, we can see new attention being paid by government, community, and business leaders in every country to resilience challenges. This course will equip participants to engage more effectively with the demands of resilience planning for crises.
The Executive Certificate course is to be delivered online in twice weekly sessions over four weeks with a middle break . Each of these sessions is 90 minutes (45 minutes Framework Sessions + 45 minutes Application sessions). The Certificate award is to be based on course participation, but no assessment is required at this executive level. The course has been designed to meet standards set by the Korea Development Institute.
The course follows a successful initial delivery of the course in October for the Asia-Pacific (and again in November for Africa, Middle East, and Eastern Europe) and builds on GDLN’s highly regarded webinars on the pandemic in March and April of 2020 (see
The course is to be delivered live online. It is being coordinated by ANU Professor Glenn Withers, GDLN Global Board Chair. The presenters in the October and November courses included the following professors from Australia, Korea, and Singapore: Peter Collignon, Ramesh Thakur, Sangwoo Tak, Jo An Atkinson, M. Jae Joon, Jayant Menon, Greg Austin, Helen Dickinson and Glenn Withers.
Each ninety minute session provides first a framework for resilience followed by an expert application from the experience of the current crisis.
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to understand the:
(FS: Framework Session, AS: Application Session)
15/16 March – 24/25 2021;
5/6 APRIL – 14/15 april 2021
The full certificate fee is $750 AUD for individual participants.
For group enrolments, information will be provided upon request. For more information contact Lisa Materano as indicated below. Full fee enrolments are available up to commencement.
KDI scholarship applications to cover the full fee are available to selected participants. Please contact Lisa Materano as indicated below for more info. Scholarship applications close 5th of March 2021.
*Selected Illustrative Times. Check other locations for equivalent.
Related resources for the course can be found at:
For more information and enrolment assistance, please contact:
Mobile & WhatsApp: +61 438 134 558
WeChat: LisaMaterano