Flinders University

Flinders University enjoys a well-justified reputation for its excellence in teaching and research. It has a long-standing commitment to enhancing educational opportunities for all and a proud record of community engagement.

Since being established in 1966, Flinders has achieved much of which we can be very proud—in innovative research, in high quality teaching and in community engagement. Flinders University has led the way in providing access to higher education for individuals who did not traditionally aspire to University.

Flinders University has attracted students from over 100 countries and our alumni have built careers and lives that enrich communities across Australia and throughout the world.


Flinders have three main campuses in Adelaide, South Australia.


  • Faculty of Education, Humanities, and Law
  • Faculty of Medicine, Nursing, and Health Sciences
  • Faculty of Science and Engineering
  • Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences


  • Flinders is a verdant university and a member of the Innovative Research Universities (IRU) Group and ranks in the 10-16 bracket in Australia and 36th in the world of those established less than 50 years.
  • Academically, the university pioneered a cross-disciplinary approach to education, and its faculties of medicine and the humanities are ranked among Australia’s top 10.
  • The university is ranked within the world’s top 400 institutions in the Academic Ranking of World Universities.
  • The latest Times Higher Education rankings of the world’s top universities ranks Flinders University in the 251 to 300 bracket.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flinders_University, http://www.flinders.edu.au/


是一所充满活力具有现代气息和进取精神的大学现代化的大学,以其出色的教学和科研工作而享誉全球。拥有“学生的大学”之美誉。作为英联邦大学协会的成员,其授予的学位国际公认。学校以“创新,杰出和公平”为宗旨,将传统的价值观和改革创新的理念融合在一起,提供当今社会需要的课程。弗林德斯在研究和实验发展所投入的经费,连 续多年在澳大利亚位居前列。

弗林德斯大学建于1966年,以1802年探索南澳海岸的英国航海家MatthewFlinders命名,名列全澳最高八所研究大学, 在弗林德斯,教学被认为是最重要的,教职员工和学生的比例高于澳大利亚的平均水平,学生们与教研人员接触机会更多。






  • 社会科学学院
  • 教育/人文/法律/神学学院
  • 健康科学学院
  • 科学/工程学院




  • 澳大利亚研究理事会称弗林德斯大学所申请的八个研究项目有七个获得批准,申请成功率属澳大利亚最高,为此弗林德斯大学获得184万美金的经费。
  • 弗林德斯大学是世界排名前400的大学(2013世界大学学术排名)
  • 医药,人文的学术排名居澳大利亚前10名


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